Face fungus A beard


A butt of a bale of wool or two bags sewn together

Fair cow

An exceedingly unpleasant person, situation or turn of events

Fair crack of the whip Said of fair dealings
Fair dinkum Honest; true; genuine
Fair enough A general expression of approval
Fair go Be reasonable
Fairy floss Cotton candy
Fang bandit Dentist
Fangs in -put the- To borrow money from a person
Fart sack A bed
Fat as a match Extremely thin
Fat cake A small fried cake of flour
Fatty Synonym for brownie
Feather bedding An industrial term used in reference to overloading a gang on a wharf so that one member usually an elderly wharfie, can earn money without doing a fair share of the work
Fed up with Tired of, bored with
Fella -a- A male
Fence -over the- Unreasonable; unfair
Fencing wire -tough as- Extremely tough or hardy
Feral Wild
Ferry A prostitute
Fibber -a- A person who tells lies
Fiddlearse about To waste time; to mess around
Fiddley A £ 1 note
Finalise To complete
Financial In funds, with ready money available
Finger out -pull your- Hurry up

First Fleet

The ships which brought the original convicts and their keepers to Australia in 1788

First up For the first time

Fitzroy Yank

An Australian male, e.g. a youth, who is trying to pass himself off as an American

Five finger discount Shoplifting
Fix the old gumtree To settle down
Fixing Strong drink
Fizgig A police informer
Fizz As for fizgig
Fizz out A person on whom no reliability can be placed
Fizzle -to- To fade away
Flag A banknote; a £ 1 note
Flake Shark meat
Flake out -to- To pass out; to go to sleep
Flash Ostentatious in dress and/or manner
Flat chat As fast as possible eg "I am working flat chat"
Flat strap As fast as possible eg "I am working flat strap"
Flatite A flat dweller
Fleecy A woolshed hand detailed to pick up shorn fleeces
Flemington confetti Rubbish; nonsense
Flemo Flemington racecourse and district in Melbourne
Flick -to give it the- To throw it away
Flicks -to go to the- To go to the cinema

Flies about -no-

Alert; wide awake

Floater A penny that fails to spin when tossed in two-up; a meat pie floating in pea soup
Flog -to- To sell something
Flossy up To dress up; to make oneself tidy; to improve one's appearance
Floury baker A type of cicada
Fluff To break wind
Fly An attempt at something, eg "give it a fly"
Fly country Hot back country in Australia
Fly swisher stew Oxtail stew
Flyblown Penniless
Flybog Jam
Flyjerks Small pieces of cork suspended from the brim of a swagman's hat to ward off flies
Flystrike Infestation of sheep by blowflies
Food inspector A swagman
Footback -on- On foot
Footy Australian rules football
Force The ability of a sheepdog to control a mob of sheep
Fortie A crook or sharper

Fossick -to-

To search for surface gold; to rummage about for something

Fowlhouse -up against ones-

As for duckhouse

Frames Draft cattle
Franger Condom
Free select To take up Government land as a free selector
Freeze -do a- To be overlooked or ignored
Freezer A sheep bred for export
Fremantle doctor A refreshing sea breeze that blows into Fremantle and Perth after a hot day
Freshie -a- A fresh water crocodile
Fribby -of wool- Containing an excessive amount of what are called second cuts and sweat points
Frig up A confusion or muddle
Frill To ring bark a tree
Frog A £ 1 note
Front To mask the operations of a pickpocket accomplice

Frosty face

A defect sometimes occurring in merino sheep, characterised by chalky, harsh, white hairs covering the face

Fruit cake -a- A person who is mentally unstable
Fruiterer A person who sells fruit and vegetables
Fryingpan brand A large brand used by cattle thieves to cover the rightful owner's brand
Full as a goog Extremely drunk

Full mouth

An eight tooth sheep

Full quid

In full possession of one's faculties


A rumour, a canard