Lady blamey A drinking glass made from the bottom half of a beer bottle
Lady muck A woman who portrays the flair of high society, but is really only stuck up herself
Lady's waist A 5 oz. glass of beer
Lair A flashily dressed and uncouthly mannered young man
Lair up -to- To dress up
Lairise To dress or act as a lair
Lairy Vulgar in manners; flashily dressed

Lamb down -to-

To spend money lavishly on drink

Lambing down shop An outback public house
Lame brained Being stupid
Lamington A sponge cake, coated in chocolate and grated coconut
Lamplighter A type of cicada
Lane A stock route which has fences on each side
Lannet A kip with a slot cut in it to hold a double headed or double tailed penny
Larrikin A street tough or hoodlum; a boisterous youth
Larry -happy as- Completely happy or contented
Lash at -have a- To make an attempt at some task or activity
Lav An outdoor toilet
Lavvy An outdoor toilet
Leanaway A drunkard
Leatherneck A station rouseabout
Legpull A deception or hoax
Lemony Angry or irritable
Leprosy Cabbage
Leslie A lesbian
Lezo A lesbian
Line up -to- To organise or arrange something eg "I've lined up one more bloke to help us"
Ling A stench
Lippie Lipstick
Liquid -amber- Beer
Lizard A musterer of sheep
Loaf -to- To do nothing

Lob in -to-

To arrive at a place unannounced

Lochinvar -the-

An old time term for catching lubras to work gold and, of course, to perform other services

Log -a- Any person regarded contemptuously for his lack of ability, brains and energy
Lollies Candy
Lolly A sweet; anything extremely simple to do or understand; a trickster's victim; one who is timid or half hearted
Lolly water Any soft drink
Long neck -a- A large bottle of beer
Long paddock -the- The open road
Long sleever -a- A large drink of beer
Long stopper -a- A look out man
Longtail Treacle
Loo -the- Woolloomooloo in Sydney
Loppy A station rouseabout
Lousy Mean
Lowheel A prostitute; a deadbeat
Lube A drink of beer


A young woman

Lucky Country -the- Australia
Lug someone's ear To borrow money from someone
Lugs Ears
Lunatic soup Cheap wine
Lurk A dodge; a scheme; a racket
Lurk -on a good- Being onto a good thing; having a good job
Lyre Bird -bit of a- A person who is prone to tell lies