
Ma State

New South Wales

Mackers Mc Donald's
Mad as Many similes are used in Australia to express ideas of silliness or stupidity, eg "mad as a beetle"; "mad as a cut snake"; "mad as a Chinaman"; "mad as a dingbat"; "mad as a goanna"; "mad as a gumtree full of galahs";

Mad dog

An unpaid score at a public house

Mad -get out your- To become incensed or angry
Maggoty Angry; peevish; irritable
Mainlander A person living on the Australian continent
Make a box of To confuse an issue
Make a sale To vomit
Mallee bull A bull from Victoria's Mallee country
Mallee root A prostitute
Man with no hands -like a- Said of a mean or miserly person
Mana Power; authority; prestige
Mangy Mean
Maoriland New Zealand
Marble -pass in one's- To die
Marjie Marihuana
Mark -get a- To be fined for allowing betting or after hours drinking

Mark -to-

To geld male lambs

Massey Harris Cheese

Mate, Mateship

These words are standard English in all the senses used in Australia, although they are probably used more often in Australia than elsewhere. The main Australian contribution has been in sentimentalising the terms

Matilda A bluey or swag
Mazuma Money that is used for betting
Meadow mayonnaise Nonsense; bullshit

Merino -pure-

A free settler in Australia

Message stick

A piece of wood bearing certain cuts or marks which serves as an aboriginal carrier's passport in hostile country. It is generally from 3 inch to 1 foot long. The formalised symbols marked on it are believed to have some "meaning"

Metho Methylated spirits
Mexican Anyone who lives in the state of Victoria
Mia Mia A small, roughly built hut or shelter
Micky A young, unbranded steer
Middy A glass containing 10 oz. of beer
Migro A migrant who arrived in this country after World War II

Milk bar

A small convenience store

Mimi art

A form of aboriginal cave painting. According to the natives it was the work of mimi, fairy like people with long, thin bodies who are capable of vanishing into the cracks of rocks

Min Min Unexplained lights, which appear in the outback at night
Minda A stupid person
Miner's right A licence to dig for gold granted to a miner
Mintie -without a- Penniless
Miserable as a bandicoot Depressed in spirit. Also, "miserable as a shag on a rock"
Missus Wife

Mix it -to-

To fight with someone

Mizzle -to-

To complain or grizzle


Any large number or quantity of persons, animals or things

Mock A halfpenny
Mocker on -put the- To jinx; to bring bad luck to
Moity Carrying vegetable matter other than burr

Moleskin squatter

A working man who has come to own a small sheep run

Mollydookers People who are left handed
Money spinner A project that makes a lot of money; a racehorse that wins consistently


A sheep

Monkey Blood Cheap red wine.
Month of Sundays -as dull as a- Exceedingly dull or tiresome


A lie

Moonlight flight To disappear at night from a rented property without paying the rent
Moosh Mouth

Mopey as a wet hen

Depressed; in low in spirits

Moral -a- A sure thing; a certainty

More hair on your chest

A phrase of general encouragement and approval, mainly used by man to man

Morepork A simpleton; a dull witted person

Moreton Bay

Any court witness who lays on information; anyone who unwarrantably attends to or meddles in the affairs of others

Moscow A pawnshop
Mossie or mozzie A mosquito
Mote -to- To hurry; to travel rapidly
Motherer A shepherd
Motser A large sum of money

Mott -to-

To look or stare at

Moz -to-

To interrupt or hinder

Muck up -to- To play the goat, to play up
Mucking around Someone is not serious about what they are doing 
Mud -up to- No good; worthless
Muffy A frill necked lizard
Mug A gullible fool
Mug cop An abusive term for a policeman


A rumour

Mulga madness Queerness developed in lone bushmen
Mulger -gone up the- To go into the bush
Mullet -look like a stunned- Being in a daze
Mulligans Cards
Mullock Unwanted spoil or rock from a mine; any loose soil or rock from an excavation; something valueless
Mullock at -poke- To tease; jeer at; to taunt
Mullock over -to- To work shoddily
Murrumbidgee jam Brown sugar moistened with cold tea and spread on damper
Murrumbidgee waler A tramp who lived on the New South Wales side of the Murrumbidgee River at a time when north of the river was known as Sydney side and the south as Yarra side
Muscateer An addict of muscat
My king oath A vulgar variant of my oath
My oath A mild exclamation used as a synonym for "yes" or "of course"
Myxo The disease myxomatosis, used to kill rabbits in large numbers