Ocker An uncultured person
Oddie A halfpenny
Off one's Used in many phrases to indicate stupidity or eccentricity, eg "off one's cadoova"; "off one's pannikin"; "off one's tile"; "off one's top"; "off one's saucer"
Off one's bike -get- To become violently angry

Off the land -live-

Used of a swagman's method of existence. Ironically, not only in contrast with authentic living "on the land" but in reference to what tramps extracted from homesteads

Offsider A friend; a follower; a partner; a hanger on
Oil Information; the true facts; an accurate tip
Oil up -to- To advise; to tip off

Old chum

An experienced bushman, miner, settler or worker in Australia

Old Country -the- Britain
Old dart -the- Britain
Old man Mature; adult; extremely strong, as in "old man kangaroo"; "old man koala"; "old man possum"…. also "old man southerly" a strong southerly wind
Old thing A meal of damper and mutton
Oldies Parents
On Used for "at" or "in" when applied to a goldfield. A miner was always on Bendigo, on Ballarat, etc., never at or in those places
On about What do you mean eg "what are you on about"
On at -to be- To scold at; to reprove at; to nag at
On one's pat Alone
On the outer To be penniless or unwanted
On the sheep's back A phrase often applied to the Australian economy
On the tiger To be engaged in a hard drinking bout
On ya -good- Well done
Oner An amusing or eccentric person. Pronounced "wunner"
Onkey Stinking
Onkus All wrong, incorrect; out of order
Oodle Money
Oodles Plenty of; lots of
Ooroo Goodbye
Oozle -to- To steal
OP -an- A borrowed cigarette
Oscar Money
OT -the- The Overland Telegraph line running across central Australia from Adelaide to Darwin, opened in 1872
Our harbour Port Jackson in New South Wales
Out of the wool Said of sheep that have just been shorn
Out -to- To dismiss; to reject; to suspend
Out to it Dead drunk; asleep
Outback The remote parts of Australia
Outhouse -the- The toilet
Outrun A sheep run at a considerable distance from the head station

Outside -the-

Unsettled districts in the interior or bush

Outstation A sheep or cattle station remote from the head station

Over the board

To be in charge of a woolshed at shearing time

Over the fence It's to much; it's unreasonable; it's unfair

Overland -going-

To travel overland; to drive stock across country

Overlander A stockman
Oy An Australian call of the bush; also used to cheer on another Australian competing in a competition eg "Aussie Aussie Aussie, OY OY OY"
Oz Australia