Nanny A nannygai, a type of fish
Nark -a- Any unpleasantly disposed person
Narkie -being- Being short tempered
Nasty piece of work A not so nice phrase, specifically applied to an unpleasant person
Naussie A new Aussie
Neck -get under someone's- To outwit or anticipate a person
Neck -have a- To be disrespectful or cheeky; to be outrageous in a request
Ned Nickname inevitably given to any man named Kelly
Ned Kelly Any person of buccaneering business habits
Ned Kelly -game as- Highly courageous; willing to tackle big odds
Neddie Any horse
Nelly Cheap wine
Never country Desert lands or remote areas in the far outback of Australia
Never land Desert lands or remote areas in the far outback of Australia
Never never Desert lands or remote areas in the far outback of Australia

New Australian

A recent migrant to Australia

New chum An immigrant; a novice
New hand As for new chum
New South New South Wales
Nice line -a- A good looking girl
Nick -being in good- It's in good shape or condition
Nick -being in the- Being naked
Nick -do a- Slip away unnoticed
Nick off Leave me alone; go away
Nick something -to- To steal something
Nickers Female underwear
Night fossick To steal gold at night
Nipper A male child
Nit A simpleton or fool

Nitkeep -to-

To stand guard


A person who keeps guard while illegal activity is occurring

No flies about you You are wide awake and alert
No good to gundy No good at all
No hoper A person without merit; a deadbeat; a person unworthy of confidence
No sweat That's no trouble at all
No worries That's ok ... don't mention it
Noah's ark Any Shark
Nobbler A small drink of spirits
Nong -a- A simpleton or fool
Nose -on the- Unpleasant; objectionable; stinking

Not nominated

To have no chance of success

Not the coat and vest Not feeling the best

Not worth a cracker


Not worth a cupful of cold water


Nowler A sheep difficult to shear because of burr and dirt in the wool
Nuddy -being- Being naked
Nuggety Short; thickset; sturdy; stocky
Nulla nulla An aboriginal club, made from hardwood