tlc trc
515  Slant

35°59' S, 137°11' E

61 kms (38 miles) from Kingscote, 93 kms (58 miles) from Penneshaw, 77 kms (48 miles) from American River.

South Coast

Big swell onto main beach when a north-easterly to westerly wind is blowing. Otherwise smallish swell with southerly winds possible. Surf breaks on sand will vary depending on which end of the beach you are. Smaller waves towards the western end of the beach. Relatively little rip or undertow.

Beginners to experienced on most days, excellent learning beach.

The South Coast Road is a bitumen road suited to all cars, with about 2 km (1.25 miles) of dirt road to access the beach.

A Kangaroo Island Council Camping Ground is located at a close by site, see the caretaker for any fees associated with camping here. The general store is nearby, and petrol is available.


The information on the left is taken from the Tourism Kangaroo Island Brochure.

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