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13117  Slant

The flowers of Kangaroo Island bloom from late August until mid-October. Many of them are unique to Kangaroo Island.

The roadsides are flooded with colours and scents from the flowers,Leafless Tetratheca and it is advised that you stop the car, get out and take a walk along the roadside to see the best of natures display of colours and shapes.

There are over 100 varieties, varying from Wattles and Bottlebrushes to small bush flowers and native Orchids.

The flowers occur from the heath land to the coastal areas. All are spectacular when in full bloom. Colours range from white through pinks, blues, oranges and yellows.

It is illegal to pick the wildflowers, however photographing them is advised and happily permitted.Acacia (Wattle Tree)

Many of the locals have names for the flowers and not being a botanist these names are easier to remember and delightful as descriptions of the flowers. Look for the 'Jam Tart Bush' and the 'Egg and Bacon' flowers.... or the tiny 'Spider Orchid', which is aptly named.

There are books available on Kangaroo Island that will help with the identification of the floral display. These are 'Kangaroo Island Wildflowers' (published locally), and the more complete book of the flowers on the Island 'It is Blue with 4 Petals'.

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